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Cilantro-Lime Alaska Cod

The recipe this came from uses Sea Bass or Halibut. I had neither, but I did have cod and looking at the type of fish used in the recipe I thought that cod might work great here. It did and I’ve made this many times. It’s my daughter’s favorite way to prepare cod and mine too. I don’t usually like tomatoes in a seafood dish, but the lime and cilantro work with the tomatoes so well you’ll think your on a Caribbean Island having dinner on the beach. The cilantro, lime and tomatoes make this a truly different dish. The quantities were not given for each ingredient except for the fish. You can feel free to add more or less of each ingredient. This recipe is very forgiving. I actually use much less fish, maybe a pound to feed 3. I’ll tell you what I used…hope it works for you.

Source: The Great Physician's Rx by Jordan Rubin (Entered by Kathy Barnes)
Servings: 2-3 servings easily
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Pan Fried Fresh Salmon Cakes

I was looking for a recipe on the internet to use fresh salmon in and this is what I found. It is delicious and I’ve made these many times with family and company. Everyone is taken aback at how good they are. You’ll feel like you’ve just eaten at a 5 star restaurant…That Good! To save time I have doubled and even tripled the recipe and frozen immediately after mixing and making the patties. They freeze great and the prep work is done all you have to do is flour, dip, Panko and fry for a quicker delish meal.

Source: Found on the internet (Entered by Kathy Barnes)
Servings: 6-8 patties...1per serving unless you just can't help yourself
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