
Watsonia Farms

Website: watsoniafarms.com

USDA Certified Organic

For four generations, from 1918 to the present, the Watson family has been bringing the best in fruit and produce to the people of South Carolina. And now, you can enjoy the same farm-fresh goodness in your own home.

Using cutting-edge agricultural practices, we provide some of the best fruit and produce anywhere, at a price you can afford. Watsonia has Food Safety Certifications through USDA and Primus, and Organic Certification from the Clemson University Department of Plant Industry and USDA National Organic Program.

We are currently growing organic yellow and white peaches; yellow, zucchini and winter squash; pickling and slicer cucumbers; bell peppers; asparagus; eggplant; slicer and grape tomatoes; sweet potatoes; collards; strawberries; plums; persimmons; nectarines and muscadines.

We are very proud to have maintained a reputation of quality produce through the years, and we look forward to many more years of providing the safest, freshest and tastiest fruits and vegetables we can offer to our customers.

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